Legal filings in anthrax letters lawsuit rejected in Florida

legal filing rejectedA Florida judge refused the Justice Department’s effort to accurate a number of thwarting filings in a unjust passing away lawsuit filed by the family of photo editor Robert Stevens, the former individual to expire in the 2001 anthrax letter attacks. Now, Justice has filed fresh movements to additional fully clarify and correct its previous ones, which recommended that Army microbiologist Bruce Ivins didn’t have the apparatus in his lab to create the fatal anthrax powder, as the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Justice have extensive maintained he did.

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Gaddafi officials condemned UK for recognizing rebels as solitary power

gaddafiGaddafi leaders criticize UK for recognizing the rebellion’s as the sole authorized power in Libya. Deputy foreign minister in gaddafi’s government, khaled kaim said reporters that the decision is highly irrelevant and unparalleled. He also showed disapproval to US and France for the similar moves. He added Libya will seek to quash the decision through the courts. British police entered Libyan embassy on Wednesday. Britain officials also ordered the removal of all eight remaining Gaddafi diplomats in UK.

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SYRIA MULTIPARTY BILL Syria’s ruling Baath Party under President Bashar Assad has put ahead a bill which allows the formation of other political parties alongside the main ruling party. The multiparty bill is seen as a part of the series of concessions that the ruling regime is presenting in the wake of the protests that had created a huge hue and cry in Syria in the recent times. The creation of the bill is seen as the government’s giving up to the protests.

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Hugo Chavez compared to Hitler after declare to rule until 2031

Hugo ChavezPresident Hugo Chavez has been compared with the dictator Adolf Hitler by political opponents after he vow to rule two more decades in Venezuela. Giving an interview to the leading newspaper he said he has never thought stepping down presidency despite of the health battle with cancer.
Mr Chavez is already in power since 1999 and has predicted for more two decade rule there. He said 2020 would be a golden decade for his country if he is there. He added the only successor to Hugo Chavez is Hugo Chavez.

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