IAEA reports nuclear activity in Iran

iran-nuclear-activityReports from the UN Agency provides strong evidence that Iran has been trying to develop a nuclear device. The reports from IAEA (International Atomic Energy Association) clearly indicates has Iran has moved fast ahead towards the development of a nuclear weapon. The report was prepared under the amble guidance of Yukiya Amano, a former Japanese diplomat who has run the I.A.E.A. for nearly two years, and addressed to the agency’s board of governors and the United Nations Security Council.

As per the IAEA reports, Iran has fast progressed from the stage of theoretical studies to the stage of practical experiments. The report does not give a clear picture as to the technologies mastered by Iran to develop nuclear weapons nor can it predict how long it will take for Iran to come out with a nuclear weapon. The report however lays down that Iran was working on a project to secure a source of uranium suitable for use in an undisclosed enrichment program to make bomb fuel.

However, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran rejected all these claims and stated that the work of the Agency is unprofessional, unbalanced and politically influenced. Iran also claims that the evidence put forth by the UN Agency, IAEA is completely fabricated.

IAEA reports nuclear activity in Iran

Report by Anupama