google vs facebookGOOGLE PLUSGoogle Plus is here at the social world to impress us! Google with its untiring appetite for excellence is ready to create a “big-bang” effect on the social media sector as it has already done in the mail, search, and photo and document storage domains.

Google Plus will be hoping to wipe out Facebook and Twitter as it was in done in by Facebook with its flair and popularity leading to Orkut’s failure.

The strategy used by Google plus seems to be similar to that of Facebook whereby it is in the I-will-call-you-don’t-call-me phase, so making invitations scarce to come by.

Significant feature seems to be the fact where the user is signed up to a secured server which is “PLUS”-ponit over Facebook’s considering the recent controversies.

Google Plus seems to be simple though there might be initial adjustment a user will have to do to get used to it. But other than for it there are only silos- Home, Photos, Profile, Circle to click on and the Stream is similar to that of Facebook.

Another feature is the “Sparks” component which is on hunt for videos and article which might interest you to keep you occupied whenever you are free!

The most intriguing feature is the “Circle” component. It helps you create your own social sphere, including friends, acquaintances, colleagues and contacts in different circles thereby allowing you to choose what you want to share with whom!

And “Hangout” is the component which does the job of video chat.

Major disadvantage is on the fact that it cannot adapt to Symbian platform but at the same time works fine with Apple and Android platform thereby probably losing out on millions of Symbian users through mobile networks.

Google Plus


Report by Sumit