Federal Judge blocks law on cigarette pack warnings

cigarette-pack-warningsA federal judge on Monday blocked law which was mandatory on cigarette companies to include a graphic pictures and message showing on the cigarette packets showing the danger of smoking.

US District Judge Richard J. Leon said that tobacco companies had shown a substantial likelihood of success; that allowing the labeling requirements to proceed would cause them to “suffer irreparable harm”; that “neither the Government, nor the public, will suffer any comparable injury as a result of the relief sought”; and that the public’s “interest in the protection of its First Amendment rights against unconstitutionally compelled speech would be furthered.” Leon noted that some of the pictures appeared on the cigarette packs only revoked the emotion and are not purely factual.

Matthew L. Myers, the president of Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids said in his statement that the decision made by Leon is wrong on the law and science both and he called for the Justice Department for appeal. He said that if it is allowed to stand, so than this ruling would make it impossible to implement any effective warning labels. He said now this decision of Leon shows ignores of the overwhelming scientific evidence about the need for the new cigarette warnings and their effectiveness and also in first amendment precedent that supports the right of the government to require warning labels to protect public health.

Federal Judge blocks law on cigarette pack warnings

News reported by Dushyant Tiwari