Amendment in knife Crime Law (UK)

knife_crimeThe Government of U.K. is amending the legal Aid and Sentencing bill to require a minimum punishment of four months detention and training order for 16 and 17 year old convicted of threatening person by the help of knife. The ministry of Justice says that 60 to 80 beds are required in accommodation of young people. The report of Ministry says that around 200 to 400 more people between 16 to 17 will receive custodial sentence in a year and the total expenses on them is around 2 to 4£ a year. Last year 12% of the offences for possession of knife or offensive weapons resulted in a custodial sentence for the 16 and 17 year old people and total 276 people was detained for this punishment.

Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith said that the government has to allocate more number of resources so that they can increase more number of prisons and more people will get the punishment and it will be easy to send them jail whenever it is required.

Government is agreed to give mandatory sentence to 16 and 17 year old convict with the offences for possession of knife or by offensive weapons.

Amendment in knife Crime Law (UK)

Report by Dushyant Tiwari