Anti-Government Activist Arrested After Trying to Force US into Bankruptcy

arrested An anti-government activist who became involved in the bankruptcy of the Giordano’s pizza chain has been charged in a separate case.

Marshall Home was arrested after filing court papers seeking to force the U.S. government into bankruptcy. He was charged with two counts of false claims in bankruptcy.

Home, a member of the sovereign citizen’s movement, was accused of promising homeowners facing foreclosure that they would become part of his “larger overall bankruptcy liquidation” if they paid him a $500 fee. He then filed court papers on behalf of 173 people participating in his mortgage rescue service.

Home supplied documents to the owners of the Chicago-based Giordano’s pizza chain and filed a $150 million lien against the restaurants. The owners, John Apostolou and his wife, had filed court papers declaring themselves “American Freemen” who don’t recognize U.S. currency.

Anti-Government Activist Arrested After Trying to Force US into Bankruptcy

Report by Vibhanshu Viabhav