Review of Energy loans laws in US

legalThe republican representative Tim Murphy has supported the reviewing of the laws regarding the energy laws in United States. In United States recently a car company loan was guaranteed by Department of Energy of the United States. But this electric car company has its manufacturing centers in Finland.  As a result using the tax money of people of united sates the company is operating in Finland and is not contributing to US. As no jobs are generated in US due to the fact that the company operates in Finland.

So, the republicans have waved a voice against such guarantee of loans to the firms.  According to republicans only such companies will be given loan guarantees by energy department which will operate in US and thus generating employment opportunities for US people as the money on which they are establishing their firm is the money of the tax payers of US  So, they have a duty towards the people of us. The review will be done by former treasury official Herbert Allison within 60 days.

Review of Energy loans laws in US

Legal news report by Abhishek Kumar