Disney holds hands with Youtube

youtubeThe New York Times reports that Disney and YouTube plans to enter into a video sharing (content) partnership agreement. The content partnership is estimated to be worth around $10 to $15 million dollars.

With the published third quarter report, it was clear that Disney has had a couple of bad quarters which it needs to cope up with. This new move to enter into partnership with YouTube for the distribution of its production is with this move. YouTube also senses this positively, as they have always been on the lookout for original, quality content and strong brand partners. As per the terms of the agreement, Disney will be producing a series of exclusive videos for YouTube, which will be distributed through an exclusive co-branded channel on both the websites of Disney and YouTube.

DisneyYouTube had recently announced its intention to enter into partnerships to obtain quality content from genuine authors and as a result of which YouTube has entered into agreements with celebrities such as Madonna and Ashton Kutcher, as well as media companies like The Wall Street Journal, The Onion, SB Nation and Demand Media. The new move of Disney to enhance its viewership combined with YouTube’s expansion policies are likely to bring about fruitful results.

Disney holds hands with You Tube

Report by Anupama