Child AbuseChildren are the assets of a country. They mould and binds tomorrow’s nation. Therefore it is the duty of each and every citizen to protect these children and their interests. Instead the pathetic situation that is prevailing currently is the physical, sexual and emotional abuse of children. The bruises, burns, fractures, lacerations and abrasions, abdominal injuries and human bites are the indicators of physical abuse. The behavioral indicators of physical abuse are that the abused child becomes reluctant to contact with adults, he /she becomes apprehensive when other children cry, show aggressiveness in behaviour, seem frightened of parents or caretakers and afraid to go home or cries when it is time to go home. Child sexual abuse has been defined as the involvement of dependent and immature children in sexual activities they don’t fully comprehend to which they are unable to give informed consent. According to The Juvenile Justice Act 1986,the child sexual abuse is an interaction between child and the adult in which the child is being used for the sexual stimulation of the perpetrator or the other person.

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FEMALE INFANTICIDEFemale infanticide, one of the most important social issue prevailing in the Indian society, is day-by-day increasing to a very great extent. Once the sex of the fetus is found to be that of a female, the parents opt for an abortion of the same. Daughters are hence considered to be a burden for the family. The latest data from the Indian National Census have shown gender discrimination in India to have gone horrifically off the rails as it seems that in the past ten years, more than eight million female babies have been killed by their parents under the noses and apparent consent of the Indian authorities. There is a huge decline in the number of females which undoubtedly results from the killing of female babies soon after their birth and from the abortion of the fetus after the identification of its sex.

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EUTHANASIA-Legal Position

EUTHANASIAEuthanasia means the practice of helping severely-ill people die, either at their request or by taking the decision to withdraw life support. It also means the termination of life by a doctor at the express and voluntary wish by a patient. The practice of illegal euthanasia is increasing at a very high rate in the recent times which required many of the foreign Govt. to establish stringent rules and regulations with regard to the same. These laws in foreign countries allow euthanasia which requires the doctors practicing it to possess a reasonable standared of care and caution along with skill. With regard to the law in Holland, it does not make other citizens eligible for euthanasia. Taking into consideration the other European countries, it again puts up a huge prohibition upon euthanasia even if the patient wants to die and, as a matter of public policy the consent of the victim cannot be raised as a defence against the same.

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